Worship Music at Calvary

One thing is for sure: At Calvary, we love to sing and make music to the Lord! We believe we should worship the Lord with our voices, our bodies, and our hearts. We sing a variety of newer songs, biblical psalms put to music, and more traditional hymns. But we try to make sure all the songs we sing will both reflect the truth of God's Word and lift your hearts to genuinely worship God.

Want to learn the songs we sing? See this Spotify playlist of our Worship Database. (It's also embedded below)

Want to serve in singing or playing on our Music Team? Sign up here.

Music Team members: looking for chords/lyrics/etc.? See the song database on Planning Center.

Calvary Worship Playlist

Want to learn our songs in advance of singing them? Or sing them again after?

Want to teach your kids our songs?

Want to just sing them out wherever you are?

Here is a Spotify playlist with all the songs we sing. (Note that to see the songs past the first 100 you'll have to go to Spotify itself)