Weekly Announcements

The following are the announcements for the week of October 20:

Scent Request

Some in our church family have sensitivities to scents and chemicals. For the health and consideration of others, we’d like to ask everyone to please use unscented hygiene and cosmetic products on Sunday mornings. Thank you for your consideration. 

Compassion Ministry: Sandwich Making – TODAY

There will be sandwich making for the Ottawa Mission and Innercity Ministries after 2nd service. Join us downstairs in the preschool room to help out!

OCC: Concert of Hope – October 27

Ottawa Compassion Collective is hosting a free concert here at Calvary on Sunday, October 27, at 7:00pm. The purpose of this concert is to rise funds for moms and babies in El Jícaro, Guatemala. Stay tuned for ticket details.

Spencer Baby Shower – November 9

Ladies are invited to celebrate with Laura Spencer on November 9th from 1-3pm as her & Doug prepare to welcome a baby this January! For address (in Orleans), registry info & to RSVP by November 1st, please contact Andrea Aldaba.

Newcomers’ Luncheon – November 3rd

If you are new to Calvary in the last six months, we have a free lunch for you on Sunday, November 3rd, after the 2nd service! Meet our staff and leaders; and learn more about our church.

Artistic Christmas Night – December 13

We are planning our second edition of the Artistic Christmas Night Friday, December 13th. If you would like to be a part and worship God through your talents, reach out to Horla. Spots are limited.

Small Groups

If you are interested in joining a small group at Calvary, check out calvarybaptistchurch.ca/smallgroups for available small groups, schedules, waiting lists, and to sign up. 

You can also sign up for waiting lists of special focus small groups. Once there is enough interest, and a leader is recruited, we'll set up another round of that small group. Feel free to sign up for as many as interest you! Contact Adam Lim for any questions.

Volunteers Needed for Tech and Hospitality

We are particularly in need of volunteers for AV/sound, security and elevator operating. If you are interested, please register at calvarybaptistchurch.ca/serve!

Worship Database Playlist

Do you sometimes find yourself trying to learn the songs we sing at Calvary on the fly? Do you want to know them in advance? Or maybe you know most of them already, but you want to belt them out at small group, at home, in the car, on the bus, in the shower, or wherever? Or maybe you want to teach your kids these songs? We’ve got you covered. We’ve put together a Spotify playlist with our entire worship database. You can access it at calvarybaptistchurch.ca/worship.

Interested in Getting Baptized?

You can sign up for baptism or for more information at calvarybaptistchurch.ca/baptism.

Sermon Manuscripts

If English is your second language and having a copy of the sermon would help you understand better, please let us know, and we’ll get you a printed or soft copy of the sermon.