The following are the announcements for the week of September 15:
**Upcoming Events can be found in our Events Insert under the "Live" tab
Scent Request
Some in our church family have sensitivities to scents and chemicals. For the health and consideration of others, we’d like to ask everyone to please use unscented hygiene and cosmetic products on Sunday mornings. Thank you for your consideration.
Sunday School (preschool-grade 6) Kickoff - September 15 (TODAY)
Kickoff is after the 9am service at Springhurst Park. It’ll be a chance to get together with families and Sunday School volunteers. Light snacks will be provided. Contact Erika Deschiffart for questions. Classes officially begin next Sunday (Sept. 22nd).
Compassion Ministry Sandwich Making - September 15 (TODAY)
Help Compassion Ministry make sandwiches for the Ottawa Mission and Ottawa Innercity Ministries downstairs in the preschool room after the 11am service.
Vos Baby Shower - September 15 (TODAY)
All are invited to celebrate Daniel & Georgia’s first child at 1:30pm. It will be in the fellowship hall. Teatime snacks will be provided (not a meal) and there will be games! Registry link:
Big Group - September 15 (TONIGHT)
We’re expanding this Big Group Gathering (when all our small groups come together as one “big group”) to be open to everyone in the church! Come out at 6:00 tonight for our annual small groups launch, together with times of prayer, preaching, and praise. All are welcome! (Child care provided.)
We’re Hiring: Part-Time Custodian
Calvary is looking to hire a custodian. See job description here. It is also posted at the back of the sanctuary. The deadline to apply is Sept. 30th. Email the trustees if you are interested and for any inquiries.
Church-Wide Fall Day Retreat: October 5
Registration is now OPEN! Sign up today or to sponsor, go to! (See events insert for more details).
Volunteers Needed for Tech, Hospitality and Youth
We are particularly in need of quality male youth leaders, AV/sound, security and elevator operator volunteers. Register at
Ministry Launches
Sunday School (preschool-grade 6): Kickoff is TODAY (see events insert for details)! Classes happen during 9am services starting Sept. 22nd. For questions, contact Ptr. Troy Nevitt.
Calvary Youth (grades 7-12): Register your youth NOW at Kicking off this week, we will meet every Wednesday from 7-9pm (see events insert for kickoff details). Each night, we’ll have
games, Bible teaching, small group time, and snacks. Contact Ptr. Kenny Wallace
for questions.
AWANA (ages 2-grade 6): Starting this week, AWANA is a
family club centered around the gospel and focused on discipleship for
children. AWANA runs Thursdays 6:30pm-8:15pm. Sign up at Questions? Contact Ann Rudd.
Small Groups: Fall
Small Groups begins the week of Sept. 22nd!
Starting TODAY, you will be able to sign up, and view available small groups
and schedules at
(see Big Group on events insert).
You can also sign up for waiting lists for special focus small groups. Once there is enough interest, and a leader is recruited, we'll set up another round of that small group. Feel free to sign up for as many as interest you! Contact Adam Lim for any questions.
Worship Database Playlist
Do you sometimes find yourself trying to learn the songs we sing at Calvary on the fly? Do you want to know them in advance? Or maybe you know most of them already, but you want to belt them out at small group, at home, in the car, on the bus, in the shower, or wherever? Or maybe you want to teach your kids these songs? We’ve got you covered. We’ve put together a Spotify playlist with our entire worship database. You can access it at
Interested in Getting Baptized?
You can sign up for baptism or for more information at
Sermon Manuscripts
If English is your second language and having a copy of the sermon would help you understand better, please let us know, and we’ll get you a printed or soft copy of the sermon.