Weekly Announcements

The following are the announcements for the week of February 23:

Scent Request

Some in our church family have sensitivities to scents and chemicals. For the health and consideration of others, we’d like to ask everyone to please use unscented hygiene and cosmetic products on Sunday mornings. Thank you for your consideration. 

Members’ Business Meeting – TODAY (February 23)

There is a Members’ Meeting at 1:30pm. All members are asked to prioritize attending. Agendas have been distributed via email and are posted on the back bulletin board and exits of the church.

Evening Gathering – March 2

Our evening gathering is next Sunday starting 5pm at Calvary. Please bring some food to share for a potluck dinner afterwards! Evening gatherings are every first Sunday of the month.

Women’s Event: Coffee & Brunch Social – March 8

Enjoy a morning of coffee, tea, brunch, and fellowship on Saturday, March 8, from 9:30am-12:00pm, at the church. Questions? Please email our women's ministry.

Membership Class – March 9

For anyone interested in becoming a member of Calvary, please join this class to start the process. It will happen downstairs on Sunday, March 9, at 11am in the fellowship hall. Contact Pastor Kenny for any questions.

Calvary’s 110th Anniversary – March 15-16

Celebrate this weekend with us! On the Saturday, from 9am-12pm, we will hear from Dr. Michael Haykin, followed by lunch afterwards; and then on Sunday morning, we have Rev. Steve Jones as our guest speaker! For any questions, speak with any of our pastors.

Young Adults’ Retreat (18-30yrs. old) – March 21-23

Registration is OPEN at calvarybaptistchurch.ca/retreat.

If you are able to sponsor a YA to go on the retreat, please do so at the same link.

Small Groups

We’ve got regular and special focused small groups during the weeks! Check out calvarybaptistchurch.ca/smallgroups for more information: schedules, availability, registration, and  the waiting list. For any questions, contact our small group director, Adam Lim.

Volunteers Needed

We are particularly in need of volunteers for nursery, AV/sound, and security & elevator operation. If you are interested in serving on any of these teams, sign up at calvarybaptistchurch.ca/serve.

Worship Database Playlist

Do you sometimes find yourself trying to learn the songs we sing at Calvary on the fly? Do you want to know them in advance? Or maybe you know most of them already, but you want to belt them out at small group, at home, in the car, on the bus, in the shower, or wherever? Or maybe you want to teach your kids these songs? We’ve got you covered. We’ve put together a Spotify playlist with our entire worship database. You can access it at calvarybaptistchurch.ca/worship.

Interested in Getting Baptized?

You can sign up for baptism or for more information at calvarybaptistchurch.ca/baptism.

Sermon Manuscripts

If English is your second language and having a copy of the sermon would help you understand better, please let us know, and we’ll get you a printed or soft copy of the sermon.