The following are the announcements for the week of January 19:
Scent Request
Some in our church family have sensitivities to scents and chemicals. For the health and consideration of others, we’d like to ask everyone to please use unscented hygiene and cosmetic products on Sunday mornings. Thank you for your consideration.
Compassion Team: Sandwich Making – TODAY (January 19)
Help the Compassion Team make sandwiches for the Ottawa Mission and Ottawa Innercity Ministries (OIM) downstairs in the preschool room right after the 11am service. If you are interested in knowing more, please email Connie Di Pietrantonio.
Young Adults’ (18-30yrs. old) Pancakes & Board Games – TODAY (January 19)
YAs are invited from 2:00-5:00pm for a time of pancakes, board games and connecting with others.
Baby Week!
Congratulations to three of our families this week!
- Abraham & Hannah Bach had a daughter, Maria Louise Bach, born January 13 at 2:44pm, weighing 7.5lbs. “…Hannah and Maria are doing so well.”
- Doug & Laura Spencer also had a daughter, Amelia Anneke Spencer, also born on January 13th at 4:18pm, weighing 7lbs 4oz. “Mom and baby are doing good; dad is being fussy from lack of sleep though…”
- Michael & Andrea Aldaba had a son, Oliver Roger Aldaba, born on January 14, at 3:55am, weighing in at 6lbs. 5oz.!
Small Groups
check out/ sign up for our new regular and special focus groups at Contact Adam Lim for questions.
You can also sign up for waiting lists of special focus small groups. Once there is enough interest, and a leader is recruited, we'll set up another round of that small group. Feel free to sign up for as many as interest you! Contact Adam Lim for any questions.
Prayer Team
If you need prayer, we have a new prayer team at the front of the sanctuary ready to pray for you after each service. If you are interested in serving on this team, please email Netsai Homera.
Women’s Event: Painting on the Beach – January 25
Ladies are invited this Saturday, from 1-4pm, for an afternoon paint class at church. Cost is $20/ person and deadline to register is on Wednesday, January 22. To register and for details on what to bring, go here: Email our women's ministry for questions.
Volunteers Needed
We are particularly in need of volunteers for nursery, AV/sound, and security & elevator operation. If you are interested, please register at!
Save the Dates
- Next Evening Gathering – Feb 2 at 5pm. Worship with us in prayer and preaching! Occurs at Calvary every first Sunday of the month.
- Valentine's Babysitting Event – Feb 7 in the evening at Calvary. Free babysitting. Registration opens soon.
- Calvary’s 110th Anniversary – March 14-16. Details to come.
- Young Adults’ Retreat – March 21-23. Details to come.
Worship Database Playlist
Do you sometimes find yourself trying to learn the songs we sing at Calvary on the fly? Do you want to know them in advance? Or maybe you know most of them already, but you want to belt them out at small group, at home, in the car, on the bus, in the shower, or wherever? Or maybe you want to teach your kids these songs? We’ve got you covered. We’ve put together a Spotify playlist with our entire worship database. You can access it at
Interested in Getting Baptized?
You can sign up for baptism or for more information at
Sermon Manuscripts
If English is your second language and having a copy of the sermon would help you understand better, please let us know, and we’ll get you a printed or soft copy of the sermon.